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Latest Documentation and consequences

ENGINEERING documentation has now entered a new phase that is different from the previous. As a result of technological developments, especially computers and the Internet, the documentation has been transformed into a digital (electronic) also audio-visual. Here are three prominent character of contemporary documentation and their consequences.

First, the data were originally conventional forms into digital. Sheets of papyrus or paper has been transformed into digital files. Photos and celluloid films too. Document becoming more portable and accessible, in addition to more durable. Nor is it required a large space to store it. Dozens of books have been converted into eBook format pretty stored in a thumb drive.

But that does not mean the document will be free of problems. Computer viruses remain a serious threat. And one more, need tools to be able to access it. Hundreds of books in eBook format remains a matter untouched as long as no special tools to be able to open or read the file.

Second, the data moves from the beginning of the private into the public have. Previously, the data stored by individuals or in certain institutions. Today, most of the data have been able to be consumed by many people. Including data that were once considered as personal information. Such as family photos on the wall one's Facebook page.

Thus, the data and documents to be so easily divided. World can even access it. No more geographical boundaries. Escalation knowledge runs faster than previously existed. However, the negative side of the global document is an opportunity abuse. In the virtual domain, documents are kept tidy state secrets can be compromised.

Third, the data were originally single became plural in number. The first revolution occurred when the printing press was invented. Some books or pieces of information such as newspapers, has been able to be reproduced. Now, data or documents easier and faster duplication process.

The high speed duplication of a document supported by a computer that can run by people. Everyone can now become producers of data. Either make or replicate it. Ironically, this also causes us flooded with information. So a lot of data and documents that we should consume. According to International Data Corporation and EMC Corporation, in 2011 specifically for online data alone has grown doubled to 1.8 zettabyte. As an illustration, one zettabyte is equal to 1 billion terabytes.

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