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Critical Discourse Analysis Norman Fairclough

Norman Fairclough known for his thoughts on critical discourse analysis. The concept that he focuses on the three-level form, first, each text simultaneously has three functions, namely representation, relationships, and identity. Functions related representations in ways that do to show the social reality in the form of text. Second, the practice of discourse includes measures of media workers produce text. This relates to the journalists themselves as individuals; nature network with fellow journalists other media workers; working patterns of media as an institution, such as how to cover the news, write news, to become news in the media.Third, socio-cultural practices analyze three things: the economy, politics (particularly with regard to issues of power and ideology) and culture (particularly with regard to values ​​and identity) that also affect istitusi media, and discourse. Discussion of socio-cultural practices include three levels of situational rate, associated with the production and level of institutional context of the situation, with regard to the influence of internal and external institutions. Social level, associated with a more macro situation, such as the political system, economic system, and society as a whole cultural system.Fairclough is not really a science communication scholars. He is interested in issues of critical discourse studies in the report text began in the 1980s. He saw how the placement and function of language in social relations, especially in the dominant power and ideology. Faiclough found critical discourse analysis is, how language cause social groups fighting and submit its ideology respectively. This concept assumes to look biased discourse practices so showing the effects of a trust (ideological) means that discourse can produce a draw power relations between social classes, men and women, the majority and minority which represented the difference in social practices. Discourse Analysis seeing speech language usage and writing as a social practice. Social practices in discourse analysis is seen causing interlocking relationships between events that are to escape from a reality, and social structure.In understanding the discourse (text / text) we can not let go of context. To find the "reality" behind the text we need a search on the context of text production, consumption text, and socio-cultural aspects that influence the making of the text. Due in a text will not loose interest that is subjective.In a text also needed emphasis on meaning (Meaning) (over a short distance with the ability integrative interpretation, namely sensual, think the power and intellect) Meaning: After we got a text that is already there and we also have got a gambarang on the theory that will be used to dissect the problem, then our next step is we memadukann both of these into a unity that is the presence of the text we use a theory to review them.Then Norman Fairclough classify a meaning in discourse analysis as follows:• Translation (expressed the same substance with the media). Meaning: Basically text media is not value-free reality. At the point of the basic human consciousness, the text always load interests. Text in principle has been taken as the reality of the siding. Of course, the text used to win the fight ideas, interests or ideology particular class. Meanwhile, as a researcher began by making a systematic sample of media content in a variety of categories based on the purpose of research.• Interpreatation (adhering to the existing material, look for the background, the context in order to put forward the concept clearer). Meaning: We concentrated on the main issues in the interpretation of a text so that we can get the background of the problem so that then we can determine a concept formulation of the problem to dissect the problem.• Extrapolation (emphasis on the power of thought to catch it behind which it is presented). That is: we have to use a theory to be able to analyze the problem, because the theory Degnan we can easily determine the contents of the existing text• Meaning (farther from the interpretation of the integrative capabilities, namely sensual, think the power and intellect). Meaning: After we got a text that has been there, and we also have got a gambarang on the theory that will be used to dissect the problem, then our next step is we memadukann both of these into a unity that is the presence of the text we use a theory to review them.And according to the analysis of discourse Norman Fairclough also provide levels, such as the following:• Analysis of Microstructures (production process): analyze the text carefully and focus in order to obtain data that can describe the text representation. And also in detail aspects pursued in this level of analysis is an outline or text content, location, attitude and actions of the characters and so on.• Analysis Mesostruktur (Process interpretation): focused on two aspects: text production and consumption of text.• Analysis Makrostruktur (Process discourse) focused on the phenomenon in which the text was made.Thus, according to Norman Fairclough to understand the discourse (text / text) we can not let go of context. To find the "reality" behind the text we need a search on the context of text production, consumption text, and socio-cultural aspects that influence the making of the text. (Source: Analysis of Discourse / mold II in February 2009, Eriyanto).

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