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Determine the informant / respondent / Sample

SAMPLE is the subject / object that is the source of the researcher in obtaining the data. I mention the subject if he was the one. But if the form of documents such as news, programs, or advertisements, we can call the object. Types of qualitative research generally does not use the term sample. But the "informant" to be a differentiator. Here are some techniques for sampling or determination informants expressed by W. Lawrence Neuman (2007). Mechanical penerikan samples or determination informants grouped into two broad categories: Qualitative and Quantitative. (Here's a link that may help you distinguish the type of research Qualitative and Quantitative).


Purposive. Researchers chose informants according to certain criteria that have been set. These criteria must be in accordance with the research topic. Those selected must be credible to answer the research question.

Quota. Informants were selected aim to meet predetermined quota. For example, a researcher wants to collect data from a number of people in a remote village. Researchers decided to choose 20 women and 20 men. Those selected were taken for granted, without method / way of course.

Snowball or snowballs. Informants were selected is the result of recommendations from the previous informant. This is generally used when the researcher does not know for sure people who deserve to be the source. For example, when researchers want to know the patterns of interpersonal communication drug users. No list of names that could be a reference. One way that can be used is to ask for a recommendation from someone. From an informant, the number of data sources can be multiplied in number. Like a snowball rolling.

Sequential. Informants were selected not specified limits. The numbers continue to grow and grow until investigators examined data collected from a number of informants has reached saturation point. That is, there is no new thing that can be developed.


Simple Random or simple random. They were chosen as respondents or samples taken for granted through a simple random process. Like the way the current name raffle gathering postcards or election are eligible to win a lottery.

Systematic Random or systematic random. Similar to the simple random, systematic difference in random, researchers set intervals or specific ways in penerikan random sample. For example, researchers shuffle 100 cards containing the names of potential respondents. Researchers set, each whisk to-5, the top card will be selected as the sample / respondents. So researchers are always repeat shuffle the cards by 5 times to select one by one card that contains the name of the (potential) sample / respondents.

Stratified or tiered. The sample was selected tiered according to the general category specific. For example, to determine the sample of students in a university population, researchers classify students according to faculties, departments, and programs of study. At the program level studies, researchers classify samples according to his class again. So thus, students in each class at the university (any course or department) are represented on the sample drawn.

Cluster or Smaller. Before selected, samples were grouped according to certain social categories. Such as gender, age, economic level, or a place for living. Similar to the tiered samples, the difference this grouping is to make social categories as the basis for grouping. While the sample tiered approach to focus more on the sampling frame.

Each sampling method can be selected and adapted to the purpose of research. In essence, whatever the method used, the expected informants, samples, or respondents who selected can give answers and represents what you want investigated.

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