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Theory of Media Ecology: Three Basic Assumptions

EFFECT communication technology / media is the idea behind the theory of Media Ecology. According to Richard West and Lynn H. Turner (2008), there are three main assumptions of this theory. First, the media covers every action in public life. Second, the media improve the perception and organizing our experiences. Third, the media unite the whole world.

In McLuhan's perspective, the media is not seen in a narrow concept, such as newspapers / magazines, radio, television, movies, or the Internet. In broad concept, McLuhan saw any medium as used by humans. Including hours dinging, numbers, money, roads, even the game is medium.

According to the first assumption Media Ecology theory, humans can not escape from the media. In communicating, humans may not use mass media. But they can not refrain from communicating by using sound, words, gestures, which mediate them in conveying the message (read: medium). In a state of their own in the jungle, desert, or the sea once, people always dogged the medium that carries the message that can diinterpertasikannya. Although it is only a medium of animal sounds, the roar of wind, waves or ripples.

The second assumption Media Ecology theory see the media as something that directly affect humans. The human way of assessment, feel, and react tend dipengarhi by the media. McLuhan assess strong enough media in shaping our view of the world. Therefore --menurut third assumption of this theory menyebutkan-- media is able to unite the whole world. Alarmed or thing done in other parts of the world, it is known or spread to other parts of the world. As a result of this, McLuhan said, the man then living in a global desan (global village). Binding media as the world becomes a unitary political system, economic, social, and cultural large

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