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Theory of Media Ecology: Naming

NEIL Postman is a character who first formally introduced the term Ecology Media in 1968. Stephen W. Littlejohn call it by the name of Medium Theory. Some experts have even named Determinism Theory of Technology. The latter term is not too received no response because it seemed excessive. Audiences are depicted as passive and detached with technology. Though the concept of this theory, the audience can actually gain the ability of active and integral with the media. According to Richard West and Lynn H. Turner (2008), Lance Strate media ecology defines as the study of media environments, the idea that technology and techniques, mode of delivery of information and communication code plays a major role in human life.

As for naming Medium Theory is given as specifically in this theory is the term "medium is the message" (medium is the message). In this theoretical perspective, not the message but the medium affects our consciousness. Mediumlah greater influence our subconscious. Medium shaping the message, not the other way around. For example, news of demonstrations in Egypt are demanding the resignation of President Hosni Mubarak in late January - February 2011. Compare public response if they are exposed to the news through newspapers to television. Newspapers are the medium. Television is the medium. For the same message as news demonstrations in Egypt, whether the medium also affects our consciousness with the same quality?

The basic concept of this theory was first proposed by Marshall McLuhan (1964). Their thinking is heavily influenced by his mentor, economist Harold Adams Innis nationality Canada (1951). McLuhan was a scientist and literary critic berkeangsaan Canada. He uses poetry, fiction, political, musical theater and history to show that the use of media technologies form the feelings, thoughts, and actions of man. McLuhan stated that we have a symbiotic relationship with nature using media technologies. Humans created the technology, and vice versa was formed human technology. This is the basic concepts of the theory of media ecology

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