Discuss an implicit meaning of a word can not be
separated from how a text is present or represented into a sentence. In
print news, a message that has been observed by a journalist then
direpresetasikan into news text, in the form of a representation of the news
that certain events into the composition of the text, can be considered how a
journalist convey a reality, news reader memperhaikan how a group can dominate
the discourse in the news.
Dominated the intended is, a force which is owned
by a group to control the interpretation of a news reader. Domination
that occur in the form of a text message to the media imaging perpetrators and
victims in the news. For
example, the workers, peasants, beggars, street children are the ones plaguing
the society. Or
a lively student demonstrations could be an example, that students are
presented with the image that they are anarchist groups, often destructive and
glad create chaos. All
forms of imaging as it is done simply by representing a true incident that
happened to be the composition of the text with the choice of words and form
In Discourse Analysis, Eriyanto said that one of
the most important agents in defining the group is the media. Through
continuous news spread, the media is indirectly shaping understanding and awareness
in kepaala audience about something. Discourse
created by the media could be legitimizing a thing or delegitimize or
marginalized groups and other groups. We
often feel any injustice in the news about the rape of women. How
will the victims were described as bad, so the audience is not sympathetic and
even more sympathetic to men who become actors.In cases like this, that the
news in the media convey a particular discourse. Theo
van Leeuwen introduce a model of discourse analysis, the analytical models to
detect or determine how a group is present as a marginalized group.
In general, van Leeuwen analysis showing how the
parties and actors (individual or group) is displayed in the news. According to him, there
are two points of focus of attention. First,
the process of spending (exclusion), namely whether there is a text message or
a group of actors who issued the proclamation, which is intended to release a
person or actor in the news is, the behavior of eliminating or disguise the
actors / actors in the news, so the news that the victims who become peerhatian
the news.
The process of this expenditure is not langsunng
can change the understanding of the audience will be an issue and legitimize
the position of a certain understanding. Say
in the news about the "student demonstrations that took place in dispute
that the police opened fire, finally a university student was shot dead". Of
student demonstrations over the incident, whether the news of the police then
issued a proclamation, so the shooting victims were highlighted in the news, so
the impression is present then that student demonstrations deserve a shot to
The second is the process of entering (inclusion).
process is the opposite of the process of exclusion, this process relates to
the question of how a person or group of actors in an event dimassukkan or
represented in a story. Either
exclusion or inclision, there is a discourse strategy. By
using the word, phrase, sentence information or the composition of a particular
form, a certain way of storytelling, each group dirempresentasikan into a text.
In the subsequent discussion.
be explained more into details about how the work patterns of exclusion and
inclusion in the representation of actors in the news.
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