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Tips on Finding a Thesis Title

CONFUSED find the title of thesis. It seems to have become a kind of ritual routine end of the course the students. What is a good title for the study? Heads are forced to think. Grasak-grusuk. Especially if there is a friend of his generation see that turns first got the title and the title is ready to be executed. Want to ask classmates, they were again busy with the same problem. Want to ask a senior, they were again busy finishing thesis. (Uh, if not embarrassed, ask juniors only.)

Experience as students and guide students took me to some simple understanding of what should be done (or not done) by a student who is looking for the title of the thesis. Here are some tips that may help. Parse chaos in the head:

The most favored topic. Do not make yourself. Select a research topic that you like. For students majoring in Communication, many things that could be the subject of research. Anything related to communication. Starting from the phenomenon of the mass media (magazines, newspapers, films, radio, television, internet) to the nature of interpersonal communication, group, organization, or the public. Topic you like normally you understand. Even if you know nothing theoretically, at least you enjoy it when made. Se-killer whatever your supervisor and examiner. Of this topic we can make observations and searches, what things are interesting to be a problem in the study.

Specific problem. Issues that will be the motor of the thesis. He is the reason why the research is worth it or not to do. Of a preferred topic, will be born many problems. Make observations or search (through the internet or other media) that can help to find the problem. Generally, the problem is born of the difference between what should have been, with what happened on the field. For example, social media should it be useful to strengthen interpersonal relationships. But in reality there is a phenomenon that shows the perpetrators are friends of victims in social media such as Facebook. For the novice researcher, the problem is usually too broad. Focus on a particular aspect. Aspects can you explain expressly limits. If still confused explain its limitations, it is a sign of the problem is not specific.

There are theories that support. In communication science theory typically grouped into categories of communication elements. So there is a group of theories related to the communicator, message, channel, to the effect. Make sure you choose a topic that is no theoretical explanation. If not, may be a problem that you select are too broad or unclear aspects into focus. Your task to drive or adjust research into aspects of the problem that has a theoretical explanation.

Allows for examination. Equally important is whether the issue that you select it possible to study. Maybe in a sense can be made during the period specified. Usually two months. Maybe in the sense that you have access to the informant or source of data. Maybe in the sense you are able to do so. If the answer is "yes", then you have found the title of research that can be formulated from the formulation of the problem to be studied. If the answer is "no", try to re-adjust the research method you choose.

Four simple tips would not necessarily be able to answer the title of the current problems you are facing. There are some details that still need further explanation of their professors or ever undergo a similar research. Yaa..setidaknya, after reading these tips you can say: Fun!

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