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Basic Concepts Samples

METHODOLOGY sampling provide guidance in selecting a small group of objects that can be representative of the population. The essence of the sample is representative population where he came from. Sampling procedures affect the validity of the results. Mart John Smith (1988) suggested eight basic concepts in understanding the sampling procedure: the population, the sampling unit, sampling frame, sampling, elements, units of observation, statistics and parameters, and sampling error.

The population is the group that became the subject / object of research. The target population is the population group that has been defined with clear and specific. While the target population of the survey is the group that has been defined with clear, specific, and actually going concern.

The sample unit is a grouping that became the basis of considerations in choosing the sample. For example examines students in City X. sample unit we use is a university in the city of X. After establishing the university, we use a sample unit faculty to determine which students are taken. Of the faculty before, we set again the majors as a sample unit will be considered in selecting the sample.

The sampling frame is a reference guide that will be the researcher before determining the sample. For example, we want to know the response PLN customers for services they receive electricity. The sampling frame in the form of a list of customer names can be a frame or a list of our sampling. While the sample is part of the study population to be studied.

Elements are the basic unit or the collected / observed from the sample. There are two elements in communication: with respect to the communicator / kominikan and outputs (outputs) of the communication. While the observation unit is part of the element that is observed or studied. Example of output of interpersonal communication in the form of a message, we focus on the non-verbal messages. This message is called the unit of observation.

Each type of research have certain measurements, both types of qualitative and quantitative research. Quantitative methods are generally very strict in determining the statistical approach and parameters to be used in mengukut observation unit.

Sampling error is the deviation from the selected sample, the nature of the characteristics, behavior, quality or image of the entire population of the truth. The smaller the sampling error, the higher the level of accuracy of the research.

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