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Scope of Public Opinion

WE often listen to ( or possibly use ) the term or the Public Opinion Public Opinion . Many definitions put forward by 
experts , but personally I prefer to use the term proposed by Hennessy (1989 ) . According to him , or the Public Opinion 
Public Opinion is a complex preference expressed a certain number of people on issues of public interest ( Hennessy : 1989) .
Not all matters raised in the public discourse can be referred to as public opinion . There are five factors that limit the scope 
or public opinion by Hennessy (1989 ) :
[ 1 ] There is the issue or issues that are the focus of the opinion . The issue can be defined as a contemporary situation 
( current ) that allows disagreements over it . At the very least , there should be an element of controversy in it . The case 
of the cartoons could be an example . Where one party to call it as a form of freedom of expression and others refer to it as
 an insult / penisataan on Islam .
[ 2 ] There are groups of people who can be identified and are concerned with the issue .
[ 3 ] Preferences ( trend ) that society is divided into two or more different viewpoints on the issue .
[ 4 ] The opinion expressed . This form of expression of opinion can be openly or covertly ( latent public opinion ) .
[ 5 ] The opinion involving significant amounts . The significance level was measured on the extent to which the amount can 
produce an effect .

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