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Print Media Design Concepts

BEFORE starting to design a display for print media that we will create, be sure to first consider the concept Desai following:

[1] The purpose of the design: entertaining, informative, persuasive (such as advertising). Media who wish to entertain should show the layout is not stiff and formal. In contrast, for the informative media, serious and intelligent impression must terciri of its layout.

[2] The target audience or to whom it is intended Desai: their demographic characteristics, psychographic, including lifestyle. Like communication, our message will be better received if before packing we first determine the audience profile as what we speak.

[3] The way the message is packaged. For example, if every matter thoroughly presented on each page or continuous.

[4] Where, when, and how the media is read. Leisure readers should be taken into consideration when such we decided to choose the font, number of columns, including the size and number of pages.

[5] The media size, print quality and materials, as well as technical printing will be used. For example, by knowing the print quality such as what to use, we can customize the design goals such as in an earlier point.

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