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Variables and Hypotheses

IN each study using a quantitative approach, always involves a variable. What is a variable? Where does it come from? How can it be? In any form of relationship can be established antarvaribel relationship? What is the relationship between hypotheses and variables? This paper will briefly memaparkannnya.

Definition. The variable is a concept that has value variation. If sex is a concept, then gender, can be variable. Why? Because sexual orientation is a concept that has a variety of values: male and female. Variables derived from the theory that still contains a number of abstract concepts. To be able to be measured, the concepts had been lowered level variables can be measured. In short, the variables that emerged from the desire to be able to measure a number of concepts are immaterial.

For example, in the theory of Uses and Gratification mention human choices on the media they want to consume is influenced by their needs. What are the requirements? Abstract concept of need is then lowered to a level that is easier to measure. By borrowing Maslow, a researcher can divide needs into five major categories, one of which is the need to survive. Of the need to be able to survive this, born of economic variables such as level. Dalah economic level concepts that have variations grades: high, medium, low.

Variable shape. In general, there are two forms of variables: categorical (discrete) and continuum. Examples of gender variable earlier, there are only two categories of value: male and female. Both are equivalent. Because it is referred to as a categorical variable. Similarly, religious variables. There is no average difference between the value indicating the distance from one category to another category. The continuum variables have continuous values. Variable levels of the economy is an example. Distance from those included in the assessment of high economic level, have a clear distance with the economy being in the middle or lower level.

Values of categorical variables is the result of calculation and generate nominal data. While the value of the variable continuum is the result of a measurement that will produce data ordinal, interval, or ratio. In particular part of the measurement will be discussed in a separate exposure.

The relationship between the variables. If studies using quantitative pendekata want to see the relationship between the variables, the following are presented some of the patterns of relationships between variables and the types of variables in the context of the relationship. In general there are two types of relationships between variables are symmetrical and asymmetrical relationship relationship. Symmetrical relationship between the variables is equivalent form of relationship. Researchers can not decide which variable becomes independent variable (which affects) and which variables are bound (that is affected). Whether as a communicator that looks convincing to the audience believe him, or vice versa, because the audience believe him until he gave any convincing?

In an asymmetrical relationship variables, it seems clear which variable mempengarhi and which variable is affected. For example, the relationship between the guarantee of government regulation of the level of press freedom. The assumption, the better assurance of government regulation, the higher the level of press freedom. This relationship can not be reversed into the relationship between the degree of freedom of the press against the collateral of government regulation. Why? Because it is not possible simply the degree of freedom of the press was born without warranty didahuli government regulation.

Hypothesis. What we have just mentioned is an example of a hypothesis or provisional estimates of the relationship between the variables. Not all research using quantitative approach, should have a hypothesis. However, if any, the hypothesis can not be separated from the formulation of the relationship between the variables is the core of the research problem. Here are some examples of statements correlation / causality in a research hypothesis:
_____ _____ Result
_____ _____ Caused
_____ _____ Encourage
_____ Associated with _____
_____ _____ Affect
_____ _____ Associated with
_____ _____ Produce
if _____, then _____
increasingly _____, _____ more
_____ Increase / decrease _____
By using certain methods of analysis, a quantitative research can prove whether an acceptable research hypothesis (proven) or rejected (not proven). ***

Reader suggestions
Survey Research Methods ~ editor Masri Singarimbun and Sofian Effendi
Quantitative Research Methods: Theory and Applications ~ Bambang Prasetyo and Lina Miftahul Jannah

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