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Da'wah Success with Ethics in Public Relations

PR stands for public relations. It is often simplified as a translation of the term Public Relations (PR). As a science, PR is still relatively new to the people of Indonesia. PR itself is a combination of various immunization and included in the ranks of the social sciences such as political science, economics, history, psychology, sociology, communication and others.In the period of the last 100 years PR mengalamiperkembangan very fast. However, the development of the country's PR dalamsetiap not as good shape as well as the development of PR kualitasnya.Proses determined more by the social situation yangkompleks.PR is a very strategic approach by using the concepts of communication. In masamendatang PR estimated will experience tremendous growth. The US government employs 9000 employees in bidangkomunikasi stationed at the United States Information Agency.There are several strategies or measures to optimize the role of public relations public relations effort / public relations. Among other things, first, through research (research). Newsom (2010) states that research is fundamental to the operation of public relations. Each public relations activities, in determining the strategy and tactics started by collecting some preliminary facts obtained through research. The key in the research is to know exactly what we want to know and how we plan to use the information we get. Most public relations research done to determine the issue, various public, content and media audiences and to evaluate the results of public relations activities.Study or research by Seitel (2011) is the interpretation and collection of information systematically to increase understanding. Many public relations associations that convey information. Institutions should conduct research accurately concerned with data about publics, products, and programs to answer the following questions: how we can identify and define our constituent groups. How knowledge relates to the design of our message. How public relations, product, with the design of our program. How public relations, product, against the media we use to convey messages.Jefkins (1984) for research, using the term marketing research or marketing research, as a branch of social science to gather information about the market, be it market goods, and services markets. Marketing research covering all research techniques are used to investigate the opinions, attitudes, preferences, and motives. While advertising research includes studies of the circulation, media readers, audiences, Randomaized Pretest advertising, advertising the position value, and other tests. The entire set of this technique is sometimes referred to as marketing research, and wider than market research. Although the terms tend to be more lenient. Research conducted a survey of government is usually called the social and sociological research called behavioral studies.A second attempt to optimize the role of public relations / public relations is to enforce ethics in conducting public relations activities. According Jefkins (1984) public relations will not work unless believable. Public relations is very different from propaganda to indoctrinate receive certain religious, social, or political. In public relations we are responsible to convey factual information.Ethics particularly be applied to any public relations practitioner behavior. Personal integrity is an integral part of one's professionalism. If your boss or client asks for public relations practitioners do something unethical, it must be able to reject it because it is against the professional code of conduct that must be upheld.Grunig (1992) stated that public relations can not be good if the organization has a culture of authoritarian, manipulative, and the views are asymmetric in relation to each other. We argue that good public relations is based on the view that public relations is symmetrical, idealistic in social and managerial roles. The view (world view) can be evaluated through three criteria, namely their internal logic and coherence, effectiveness in their external allow people and organizations to solve problems according their environment, and their ability to promote the good of ethics and social harmony.As above Grunig opinion, that by taking into account the breadth of coverage of public relations activities, the public relations is the management of communication. If public relations as a management communication, the public relations as well as organizational communication. Grunig reason for PR / communication management describes the entire planning, implementation, and evaluation of an organization's communication with internal and external public, which have an impact on the organization's ability to achieve goals.Many experts on the basis of the results of his research is concerned with the development problems facing the organization, argues that the communication efforts of the organization achieve the desired goal. Among other things, Eric M. Eisenberg and colleagues (2010) in Organizational Communication begin the discussion by stating communication and change in the world of work. He explained that lately (Century 21) conditions in the world of work has changed significantly. It is important to reexamine our assumptions about the effectiveness of efforts to achieve success. By presenting examples in business, effective interaction pattern last year has become obsolete at this time with respect to a change taste of the customer, the customer (including the public) as well as technological developments.That change can not dihindari.The Change is Inevitable. Major changes in the organization of the 21st century, according to Eric (2010) characterized by three critical dimensions, namely space, time and loyalty. Of space, in the 21st century is marked by changes in global politics (the end of the cold war, the dissolution of the Soviet Union, and the collapse of the Berlin Wall, and the emergence of the European Union). Then came globalization. Globalization requires an organization to communicate in a way beyond space and time ..Many experts argue that globalization occurs due to rapid development in the field of communication and information technology. If the notice of globalization in the field of information, a lot of benefits that can be achieved in implementing organizational communication. The element of speed, clarity, and breadth of reach in conveying the information can be easily accomplished. But in addition to a positive value as a result of the globalization of information, there is a negative value adverse moral values ​​and science. Prof.Dr.Alwi Dahlan in his inauguration as Professor of Communication Studies (1997) suggests that the high technological capabilities and their global networks, the production of information has increased rapidly. The rate of growth and accumulation of information will continue to increase, making the information more difficult to control.Prof. Alwi Dahlan also argued, unless the production of scientific information, the world is flooded by the production of mass communications networks globally, regionally, and nationally who produce and disseminate product information much more entertainment. As a result, society is flooded with information from all directions. According to the Encyclopaedia, this information is of a general nature faster doubled within two and a half years, compared with the multiple scientific information every 12 years. The result is a load of redundant information (information overload) and it is not uncommon to see it more as an expert harm than benefit. Citing the opinion of Michael Marien, knowledge or information that really can give direction to the community is dwindling in number when compared with the amount of entertainment and commercial information.The role of public relations / public relations in the organization of propaganda is very vital. Da'wah organization's success is the ability to communicate the organization. As noted Eric (2010) theoretically, in the study of organizational communication, there are four perspectives. The first is the perspective of the classical management approach that addresses, among others, management science; The second of the human relations approach that addresses, among other things concerned with the study of human relations; third of the approach of human resources; and fourth on the system and interdependence in the system.Can be reasonably believed that the success of the public relations / public relations in the organization of propaganda because it is based on faith as an act of jihad the mandate treatise. Source credibility is assured because it has the scientific capability, and the presence of public confidence in the source can be trusted.
ReferenceAbdurrahman, Oemi. 1993. Fundamentals of Public Relations. Bandung: Image AdityaBaktiGrunig, James E & Todd Hunt. 1984. Managing Public Relations. CBS College Pblishing New York.Gregory, Anne. 2005. Public Relations in Practice. Jakarta: publisher

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