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Internet: Multimedia and Implications

WHEN is the internet almost within the grasp of everyone. This paper would like to review some of the brief history of the birth of the Internet, especially milestones significant time. In addition, there is also an exposition of its effects on the conventional mass media as well as some of the implications for mass communication.


The following milestones significant time associated with the development of the Internet:
Computer hardware created in 1942 in the United States, the size of the meeting room.
1949 computer that is capable of storing a program is found.
1960 Department of Defense to develop the Internet as a means of communication.
1970 Department of Defense to use the Internet not only as a means of military Matas.
1980 home computer (PC) already available.
In 1982 the term "Internet" was first introduced.
1989 Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web (WWW), which was later shortened web. Similar Web shelf space in the virtual world that allows text, graphics, images, audio, video and even accessible. Tim Berners-Lee also found the browser, ie kompuputer software that allows people to be able to access the web.
1991 Internet allowed by the US military for use as a general communication tool.
1992 the internet was introduced in Indonesia by Telkom.
1995 David Filo and Jerry Yang created the Yahoo! search engine.
1998 Larry Page and Sergey Brin created Google.
2000 there was a surge in business investment massively to the internet to be known as the era of "dot coms bombs".
2007 Apple released the iPhone which allows the integration of mobile phone devices with the Internet.


If you want to discuss one by one, very broad impact the internet. From the positive side, pornography is still a major problem posed the internet. Not to mention that cybercrime is not less numerous, ranging from burglary personal accounts like facebook to forgery of credit card transactions or purchases via the Internet. At a broader level, cyberwar also threaten the world.

From the positive side, facilitate and accelerate communicates. Compare the email facility that we can use on the internet with a letter via postal service that we used earlier. How much time and costs can we save? Internet use for education (eLearning), commerce (eCommerce), or the service of government (eGovernment) give a good contribution to our lives. Speed internet news outperform conventional mass media.

Convergence. The term was first raised by Nicholas Negroponte of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1978. He predicted the existence of "marriage" between conventional media (print, broadcast, and film) with a computer. What we now know as ePapers, eMagazine, radio and television online is the result of convergence through at least five different processes. (read: Convergence)

Disaggregation. This term is used to indicate the more focused the media audience. Not public anymore (massifikasi) as at the time of the birth of conventional media, but again experienced groupings according mintat and specific needs (demassifikasi). This disaggregation related to: Contents Media, Customization, Movies, Music, Magazines, Marketing and advertising. (read: disaggregation)

New Media. This new media gives us (as a user) the freedom to integrate interpersonal and mass communication capabilities at once with emphasis on the interactive nature and moving (mobile). For example, through a twitter account (which is personal), a person may submit a news event he had just witnessed in the street. The information he gave was then mass is due to read and draw the attention of many people.

The new media also allows the birth of what was then called Me Media and We Media. Me Media it is an expression to describe that with the internet, anyone can create their own design media content they want. For example, through the blog. Or We Media is a term used to describe a number of people who join a virtual community in cyberspace for specific interests, such as the Community Kaskus

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