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Variety of Qualitative Research Design

Qualitative Approach provides a wide choice of study design. These designs is more applicable to more easily applied in the study. Such as tailors, research design is like a dress pattern. A tailor just choose what you want clothes patterns made. Similarly, the design of the study, the researchers simply determine which model is appropriate to the problem to be investigated. In general, this article would like to introduce some of the designs that are commonly used to examine masyararakat or message.

When researching the community, or group of individuals, a qualitative research approach offers at least three designs: (1) research field or commonly known as field research, (2) ethnography or ethnometodology, and (3) case studies. While researching the message, there are three designs that can be used: (1) semiotics, (2) framing, and (3) discourse.

Field research was described by Neuman as a variety of methods to obtain information in the field. A researcher who uses this approach must have the intelligence and expertise of individuals to think and act as they were in the field. The purpose of the field study is to obtain the social meanings of various perspectives in the social context.

Ethnography and ethnometodology a variety of research designs are more detailed than field research. Neuman defines ethnography as a set of methods used to describe a culture and their perspective on a phenomenon. Almost similar to ethnography, the difference ethnometodology be used in a more in-depth on what is happening in society. Variety design of this study, assuming that they want to find the truth in the society is not rigid and ready-made (produced), but fragile, are fluid, and unstable. Therefore, it needs further involvement (such as participant observation) in order to obtain the expected results.

Case studies typically performed to examine specific topics. The study design is a comprehensive description and explanation of the various aspects of an individual, a group or organization. He tried to examine a large number of variables regarding a specific case to the fullest in order to provide a complete and in-depth view of the subject under study.

Semiotic analysis is described briefly by Pawito as a method to analyze and give meaning to-eat symbols contained in a package symbols or text messages. In other words, the above interpretation of the symbols in the center of attention tekslah semiotic analysis.

Framing analysis also focus on the message, but rather on the framing of a social reality in a message. Therefore, in the design of this study was later known term media frames and audience frames. Frame the media associated with the outcome of the preparation of a reality by the media in the form of a message. While the audience is more focused on the frame construction of reality that awakened in the minds of audiences exposed to the message (which made the media) is.

Wacara analysis is the study design view messages in a broader context. Not as detailed as especially semiotic framing. Discourse analysis allows the establishment of a link between macro message analysis on the one hand, the analysis of socio-cultural dynamics that are also macro on the other side. In discourse analysis known sociolinguistic approach that focuses itself on the issue of language (text, audio, and visual), as well as socio-cultural approach to see discourse as a social practice. In other words, the sociocultural approach, the community action can diketegorikan as discourse (messages) which can be interpreted

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