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Qualitative and Quantitative

After determining the topic of research, researchers typically define the research model they will use. Qualitative or quantitative. For beginners, it becomes necessary for them to be able to distinguish the two models of this research. But clearly, the model qualitative research is often described as a greater emphasis on descriptive data. While quantitative codong on numerical data. Qualitative focus on a particular case. While quantitative research seeks to menggeralisasikan. Analysis of the model, both models are also different. Qualitative researchers make sense as an analytical tool in mapping the patterns and trends of research data. While quantitative, relying on formula or statistical methods in the analysis. Here's depiction W. Lawrence Neuman (2007) on both the research model.

Approach. Qualitative aims to describe a phenomenon as a whole, complete with context. Quantitative aims to look at certain variables and test hypotheses associated with it. Groove. Qualitative not linear. Stages of the research is not important. This model is more circular. Such as a circular spiral, to arrive at the destination end of the study, researchers can return to the stage that had been he passed. While quantitative research stages of the linear or one-way. Starting from field preparation, data collection, analysis, and interpretation. When it has run through the stage, researchers typically move at a later stage.

The formulation of the question. Qualitative not rigidly define what is the formulation of research questions. When the study began, he was vague even have a broader scope. In contrast to quantitative, before the start of the study, the formulation of questions to be answered in the study clearly defined. Data collection. Qualitative collect data openly. Anything related to the research topic, can be taken to describe the phenomenon and its context. In contrast to quantitative focused only on the data associated with the variables and hypotheses of the study.

Style. In the end we can illustrate that qualitative models are more flexible in carrying out research. While quantitative models more organized. Bowing to stage-stage that has become standard procedure penelian.

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