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Variety of Quantitative Research Design

AFTER set of topics to be studied, to determine the focus question (problem) menelitian, also the theory used, further prospective studies researchers create designs that will be used. Especially for quantitative research models, Mary John Smith (1988) mentions four designs that can be used: experiments, surveys, interactive discourse and narrative discourse.

Design of Experiments. This design is used for communication research aimed to test specific treatments on the variables studied. For example, a researcher wants to see how the response given by the mothers were exposed to an ad household products. Testing can be done in at least two forms: post-pre-test and post-test. Post-pre-test means the test is done before and after the research object subjected to a treatment (such as watching the commercials). While focused on the post-test only research object subjected to testing after treatment.

Survey design. If a study wanted to portray the character of a population through the sample (less), the appropriate survey design to be used. For example, a researcher wants to describe the behavior of teenagers online communications. For that purpose, would not need all teens surveyed. The selected only some samples only. Generalization of the results of research into the prominent features of the survey design.

Design Interactive Discourse. When a research topic related to the interactive nature of communication, this design is most appropriate to use. For example, for research related to dialogue, debate, interview, or two-way communication that are instantaneous. In essence, the design of interactive discourse is focused on the behavior of reciprocal communication. Those who were then in the same time can be a communicator as well communicant.

Design Narrative Discourse. If interactive discourse focus on communication behavior, more narrative discourse on dipertukankan message. In short, this design is specialized in the research message. Any message. Speech, program tv / radio news (print / electronic), advertising, movies, news photos, election posters, and any messages that might be used in human communication. Mediated or without media. For a quantitative model, this design commonly run with a research technique called Content Analysis (Content Analysis).

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