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Violation of Expectations Theory: The basic assumption

EVERY communication behavior involves expectations. A talk on other people expect a certain response from the person. Specific programs created by the tv or radio because they expect a certain response from their audience. Campaign, debate, or anything that intentionally communicated, involving expectations of those involved. Not infrequently expectations so they are communicating reference not materialize. The presence of hope in the communication events can be explained by the theory of Abuse Hope.

According to Richard West and Lynn H. Turner (2008), Theory of Abuse Hope (Expectancy Violation Theory - EVT) is rooted in how the messages displayed on others and the types of behavior that have been others in a conversation. In addition, there are three assumptions that guide this theory. First, expectations encourage human interaction. Second, expectations of human behavior is learned. Third, people make predictions about nonverbal behavior. Violations of expectations was cause discomfort (or more) in those who are involved in a communication.

Hope (expectancy) can be interpreted as thinking and behavior anticipated and approved in conversation with others. In his early writings on EVT, the originator of this theory Judee Burgoon (1978) states that people do not look at other people's behavior as something random. Instead, they have various expectations pengenai how should people think and behave.

Humans learn about the expectations of social norms, stereotypes, rumors, and idiosyncratic nature (characteristics) of the communicator. Thus the findings of Levine and colleagues (2000). Although Thus, despite according Burgoon and Hale (1988), hope is the fruit of three factors. First, individual factors communicator (gender, personality, age, appearance, reputation). Second, relational factors (historical relationships underlying the interaction, differences in status, level of interest and taste like. Third, the context factors (formality / informality, the function of task / social, environmental restrictions, cultural norms.

In addition to the prediction of verbal behavior, this theory emphasizes the prediction that people do when communicating through nonverbal behavior. According to this theory, in addition to the nonverbal message that has been known (expressions, gestures or other limbs), how humans organize the distance with his interlocutor (territoriality) as well as a form of nonverbal messages. Intimate distance (0-46 cm) for children or spouse. Personal distance (46 cm - 1.2 m) for friends or family. Social distance (1.2 to 3.6 m) which is semi-formal relationships with colleagues. Distance public (over 3.7 m) were formalized as a class discussion or meeting.

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